

2022 PVC Plastic, Painted 8'6" x 2'8" x 5'6"

Sold - Larry Damico, Peekskill, NY
(Can be remade)

In Shows:

This piece came together quickly. I made a quick sketch on paper and that pretty much was the design. I did bring it into the computer to get the segmentation for the half circle right. It is part of a series of experimentation with using PVC square piping to be very weatherproof. Ordinally made in 2022 for the Collaborative Concept's outdoor sculpture show in Brewster, it later resided in our yard. It now resides in Larry Damico's Courtyard Sculpture Gallery at his Greek revival church art studio at 901 South Street, Peekskill, NY, viewable to the public.

I think it is a strong piece. The space between the three forms is very dynamic creating a nice interplay of form sand space and shadow. It is modern but it also feels very primitive and tribal. I called it Ceremony because it feels like a gathering of figures.

Id: 14